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时间:2012-03-05 08:56:43  来源:  作者:  

中国是一个有着五千年历史的文明古国,中华民族素来是一个温文尔雅,落落大方,见义勇为,谦恭礼让的文明礼仪之邦。China is a big country with a long history of ancient civilization, the Chinese nation has always been a refined and cultured, be liberal and dignified, do boldly what is righteous, humility comity civilization is a state of ceremonies.

华夏儿女的举手投足、音容笑貌,无不体现一个人的气质与素养。 文明礼仪是我们学习、生活的根基,是我们健康成长的臂膀。China children's behavior, one's voice and expression, all reflect a person's temperament and accomplishment. Civilized manners is that we learn, the roots of life, is the healthy growth of our arms.

设想:你独自行走在一个没有任何行人车辆,完全不必担心发生交通事故的十字路口,刚好红灯亮了,你是停下来等红灯熄灭,还是观察情况后继续前行?Imagine: you walk in a no traffic alone, do not have to worry about the traffic accident happened just the crossroads, the traffic light is red, you stop and wait for the red light, or to observe the situation and move on?

著名作家梁晓声讲述过这样一段经历:一位老太太在左右并没有车辆的情况下,安静地等待着。老太太说:“也许,我们身后那栋房子里,会有一个小孩正在看着街景,如果他看见我们走过去,以后照着我们的样子横穿马路,也许就会出事。”The famous writer Liang Xiaosheng about this experience: an old lady in the case of left and right and no vehicle, quietly waiting for. The old lady said:" maybe, we are behind the house, there will be a child looking at the street, if he saw us go after, in our way to cross the road, maybe it will happen."

或许按照我们中国人的思维,在自己认为合情合理或四周无人的情况下可以违反规定,这似乎成为了我们的一种习惯,于是红绿灯常常成为街头一道华而不实的装饰。 Perhaps as we Chinese think in their thinking, be perfectly logical and reasonable or around no circumstances can break the rules, this seems to be one of our kind of habit, so traffic often become street a be flashy without substance decoration.

还记得中央电视台的一个公益广告吗?一个晨练的青年,一边跑步锻炼身体,一边帮孩子拿下了不小心扔到了树上的篮球,把路边的垃圾扔进了垃圾箱,还帮助一位费力上坡的三轮车老人推车,早晨跑了一路,好事做了一路,快乐了别人也满意了自己。Remember CCTV a public service ads? A young man while running exercise, exercise, and to help children to be careful not to throw off the tree, basketball, put the rubbish into the dustbin, also helped a arduous uphill tricycle cart in the morning the old man, ran a good way, make a way, happy people are satisfied his.

其实,要想成为一名讲文明,懂礼貌的时代小少年并不是一件很困难的事情。只要我们从身边做起,从小事做起,就能养成良好的行为习惯。In fact, to be a civilized, polite little boy age is not a very difficult thing. If we start from the side, from the little things, can form a good habit.

我们不是太阳,不能将整个世界照亮,但我们可以做一只小小的萤火虫,用微光将自身点燃。We are not the sun, not lit up the world, but we can do a little firefly, with its light light.





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